Poipoia te kaakano kia puaawai
Nurture the seed and it will blossom.
Our whakapapa:
In 2017, a group of young adults came together and talked about what it meant to be a young person in the Waikato. What was missing from young culture? And what was the change they wanted to be part of in the world?
They talked about how challenging it can be to make new friends, find a mentor, to manage life’s curly wurlys, and get access to real and relevant education and experiences that accelerate you into the next chapter of your life. Because they cared about becoming better friends. Better employers. Better entrepreneurs. Better tradies. Better creatives. Better parents. Better leaders. Better students. Better activists. They care about the impact they wanted to make in the world. And so, Seed Waikato was born.
Our very first community event was held in September 2017, where we brought together three epic leaders to talk about growth mindset, and how it can shake up your life.
Since then Seed has grown from being entirely volunteer run to now having a team of talented “Seedlings” tapping into their strengths to build their careers.

Our vision:
All young people have everything they need to flourish.
Our mission:
Creating opportunities for young people in Waikato to connect, grow and live
purposeful lives they love.
How we do it:
Curating a variety of community generated offerings – by young people, for young people - providing connection and tools to live your best life with a sense of purpose.